Friday, August 29, 2008

What This Blog Is All Abut (sic)

Hi. Welcome to Crimson Collection. I've tried blogging once, nearly a decade ago when posting personal stuff on the Internet still wasn't considered meme. After doing one post, I realized that blogs, both reading and writing, isn't something I'm interested in.

Doesn't this contradict what I just previously said?
Well yeah, but the primary purpose of this blog isn't for personal indulgence, though there will be a few of those every now and then. Due to the nature of my work the past seven months, I amassed nearly
300 articles composed of 300 to 2000 words. Instead of letting all these works of art go to waste, I decided to put them here. Additionally, I'll probably include some images or videos to go along with the articles since most of them are bound to lull you to sleep. Other than that, the rest of the posts here will be rants and personal views on random issues, whether current or ancient.

Who I Worked For
I worked for Iwebmasters, a Filipino outsourcing company and our team was under Canada-based group, Qool Media, formerly The Guide Publishers (Yeah, you're welcome for the free plug). The topics assigned to us writers are usually very dry and mundane. However, our editors always consider what we would like to write and gave us options before finalizing. With topics like banking, stretch marks or passports, to name a few, we really don't have much to choose from anyway.

Anyway, I hope you're
bored enough to give this website a read. I know I am.

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